What are others are saying about The Focus Firm?

We all love good news. Sometimes learning bad news can help your case far more.  Focus grouping your cases so you can proactively plan is worth its weight in gold.

-Jesse Gibson, Attorney

If you’re worried about how potential jurors will react to the issues in your case, then you need to set up a focus group with the focus firm. I learned that many the things that I was most worried about as an attorney didn’t matter to our jurors. Also, the things that were the most important to our jurors weren’t big issues for me. The focus firm helps you frame your issues, and create the best theme for your case. Also, that ability to create notes in real time, as the focus group is being conducted, along with the ability to go back and watch the video of the focus group is so valuable. I learned new things about how to present my case each time I watched the video.

-Rusty Mitchell, Attorney

The Focus Firm helps me find out what facts in my case I need to communicate to the jury and how to do it. I learn what matters to the jury and what doesn’t, and then learn how to most effectively communicate what matters.
-JD Hays, Attorney