“The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter—it’s the difference between lightning bug and lightning.”

-Mark Twain

Effective communication is critical when the stakes are high. Whether you’re an attorney, an aspiring lawmaker, or an entrepreneur launching a new product, the difference between success and failure could lie in a few simple words.

Thinking you have the right message is not certainty that you have the right messageand The Focus Firm can help. The Focus Firm’s mission is to provide strategic planning services, research-driven messaging, and framing support to attorneys, candidates, non-profits, and businesses seeking to make an impact through their work. We harness two decades of experience in political messaging to give you clarity, certainty, and confidence.


The Focus Firm frames winning messages through cost-effective research solutions working in harmony with extensive communications experience. We bring two decades of political messaging experience into the courtroom, providing focus group research that will replicate the reactions of your potential jurors. Through hundreds of hours of juror research and weekly focus groups, we help attorneys find critical case story elements while also identifying information juries need to hear to best understand even the most complex cases.

Strategic Planning

Organizations looking to maximize success and growth need look no further. The Focus Firm specializes in strategic planning for non-profits, trade-associations, and businesses helping them reach beyond their full potential. We bring diverse stakeholder groups together to define the organization’s future direction. We use visual thinking to identify organizational obstacles and the organization’s strengths to overcome those obstacles, and then develop a roadmap for the future.

To date, we have successfully served strategic planning clients including trade associations, advocacy groups, civic groups, and private sector businesses. Our clients leave with the confidence to move forward and implement changes that help grow their businesses and solve their problems.

Political Consulting

Over two decades of political campaign consulting experience combines with our research capabilities to determine the right message for the right audience. Precise messaging drives successful policy advocacy for today’s mass audience. Research-driven message and framing plan are proven methods to cut through the clutter of today’s volatile political atmosphere. The Focus Firm can find the right message for the right audience to help your advocacy efforts.

To learn more about The Focus Firm, please contact us here.